Tag Archives: Fred the dog

What I Did During The Remote Week

This was my first week being remote, so it was kind of weird. I got used to it pretty quick, though. Overall, it all went pretty good. Here’s what my day usually was like:

  • I get up at 8:00 and go to math
  • in between my first couple classes, I rest and chill out
  • in between the late classes, I would do some homework, and then when I got out of my meetings at around 2:00, I would be done with around half my homework
  • then I would finish the rest at around 4:00
  • I would spend the last hour of my day doing something outside, and then at 5:00 I would do whatever I wanted

I think that this is a good, efficient system, and the one complaint I have is that I spend most of my on my iPad.